
"Wellness First gave me my life back. I can't thank them enough!"
Linda N., Naperville, IL
Entire First Visit
Includes History, Examination, and Treatment.
Normal Value $247 - Limited Time Offer

Ready To Start Feeling Better?
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Chances are, if you’re reading this page right now it’s because you’re tired of suffering with life altering headaches…tired of running from doctor to doctor to be given one pill after the next…and tired of not getting the answers or the help you really need and deserve.
That’s why I want to change all that for you and why I’m willing to make a bold offer. I really, truly want to help you with all of your health concerns. In truth, it’s the type of offer I would want from my doctor if I was suffering and unhappy.
Hello, My name is Dr. Christian Obeheide, owner of Wellness First. Wellness First is a multidisiplinary wellness center that has been treating Naperville and the surrounding areas for almost 20 years. We have recently been featured in the Naperville Glancer and the Daily Herald for our breakthrough treatments. One of our programs that we offer at Wellness First is our Headache Treatment Program. Using this drugless program we have seen hundreds of knee pain sufferers get back to feeling better and living healthier, more joyful lives.
At Wellness First we know that not everyone responds to just one form of treatment (ie. medication, steroid shots, physical therapy, massage, chiropractic, acupuncture). That's why at Wellness First we work as a team (patient and doctor) to formulate a specific treatment plan based on your headache history and symptoms. We find the right combination of state of the art specific treatments to maximize results to get you pain free as quickly as possible. At Wellness First we offer the most effective knee pain relieving proven therapies all in one place.
You see, I’m totally convinced that our healthcare system is completely broke. Prescribing a pill is not a long term solution to improving your health. If it was, our country would be getting healthier and healthier the more drugs we prescribe. But that’s simply not the case
I mean seriously, think about it! If drugs really made people “healthy”, then wouldn’t the person taking the most drugs, have the most health?
However, it’s just the opposite. The more drugs a person takes, the unhealthier they tend to be.
As matter of fact, our country is getting sicker and sicker even though we spend more and more money on health care every single year. Which, by the way, was over 3 trillion dollars last year!
Did you know over 106,000 people die every year due to adverse drug reactions…and you know what? …that’s just not cool with me. As a matter of fact, it’s completely unacceptable! …and it shouldn’t be acceptable for you either.
We take great pride in seeing our patients get better
with treatments that are natural, safe, and effective!
Just so you know I’m sincere, I will give you your consultation, examination, and your first treatment for just $59! That's your entire first visit for $59! Why? So you can find out whether or not we can help you without it costing you an arm and a leg.
Does that sound fair?
And, this really is the best way that I know to introduce you to the natural healing wonders of Wellness First…without any strings attached…and without any pressure to become a patient afterwards.
So many of your neighbors, who were once suffering with relentless and chronic headaches are now pain free…or on their way to finally becoming headache free and truly healthy…once and for all. And, they’re no different than you.
You see, it doesn’t matter if you are older and have "tried everything" or if this is your first experience with headaches. In most cases, you can be helped. Better yet, it can be done without using prescription drugs that have horrible side-effects and don’t really fix the underlying cause of your headaches anyway.
You Are Going To Get Excited When You Experience All These Benefits!
Our treatment is all natural. As I said earlier, drugs can cause side effects and the side effects can not only be harmful, but potentially deadly. Too many doctors rely on drugs that only mask your pain. The type of treatment methods we use at Wellness First are ALL NATURAL proven state of the art treatments that are designed to get to the root cause of your problem without the use of medications.
Our treatment works fast and is extremely effective. In fact, scientific research shows us that conservative wellness care is often more effective than traditional medical intervention…and can usually get results in half the time. The whole goal of your treatment is to improve your health and get you back to doing everything you love and enjoy. I want you to not only know who your grandchildren are, but I want you to be able to role around on the ground playing with them without having to suffer or put up with nagging annoying pain.
Our program is not only very safe, but it’s also very gentle. Our patients look forward to their treatment each visit and I know you will too. Afterall, the type of treatment we provide feels great and usually makes people feel like a million bucks right out the gate, so why wouldn’t you look forward to your visits?
You can expect this on your first visit:
A Complete Consultation and Exam: With Me, Dr. Christian Oberheide: One of the things you’ll quickly notice different about me is that I really listen to you. It seems like in this day and age doctors spend less than 5 minutes with a patient, push a pill on them and then move on to the next one. that’s not real healthcare and you won't find that here.
A Thorough Examination: One of the things I pride myself on is providing one of the most thorough examinations you’ll ever experience in a doctor’s office. I do this to make sure you get the proper treatment and the proper attention that you deserve. After all, this is YOUR HEALTH we’re talking about and I refuse to cut corners on that!
A Doctor’s Recommended Plan: You’ll receive my very best recommendations once I determine whether or not I can actually help you. I never, ever, recommend more care than what is absolutely necessary. I wouldn’t want someone doing that to me and I most certainly will not do that to others. I’ll treat you the same way I would treat any one of my family members. Period. You’ll receive the same “top notch” quality care that we give every one of our patients. In fact, I think you’ll find that we’ll exceed every one of your expectations. You’re going to be excited at the changes you’re about to make!
Many of our patients tell us they wish they would have found us
years ago, come find out if Wellness First can help you too.
Dr. Christian Oberheide D.C.
Please fill out the online scheduling for or call our office today at 630.922.9811 and let us know you would like to come in for the $59 new patient special.
P.S. This offer is only good for a limited time so call today. You have nothing to lose and potentially a lot to gain.
I suffered from debilitating migraines for years. I tried everything from over-the-counter pain relievers to prescription drugs, but nothing worked. I was starting to lose hope when I found Wellness First.
The team at Wellness First took a comprehensive approach to my migraines, addressing not just the symptoms but also the underlying causes. They helped me identify my triggers and develop strategies to avoid them. They also taught me relaxation techniques to manage stress, which is a major trigger for my migraines.
I have been seeing the team at Wellness First for several months now, and I am so grateful for their help. My migraines are now much less frequent and severe. I am finally able to live my life without being constantly in pain.
Jane C., Naperville
"Before coming to Wellness First I would have headaches 3-5 times a week. This is my fourth week of treatment and and for the last two weeks I haven't had one headache. I recommend Dr. Chris and the staff of Wellness First to anyone suffering from migraines."
Linda S., Naperville
"I suffered from migraine headaches for years and years. I had full migraine syndrome with numbness and vision problems and everything. Chiropractic was the only treatment that made any difference, and now I don’t have migraines at all anymore."
Rosanne P., Wheaton
"Dr. Chris discovered that an allergy to yeast and wheat, was causing some of the severe headaches. I have since eliminated yeast and wheat and my headaches are almost completely gone. I have already recomended two friends to Dr. Chris. Thanks."
Doris P., Naperville
I was suffering from chronic headaches that were affecting my quality of life. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't concentrate at work, and I was always in pain.
I tried everything I could think of to relieve my headaches, but nothing worked. I was starting to give up hope when I found Wellness First.
The team at Wellness First listened to my concerns and did a thorough evaluation of my health. They determined that my headaches were caused by a combination of factors, including stress, poor posture, and nutritional deficiencies.
They developed a personalized treatment plan for me that included chiropractic adjustments, massage therapy, and nutritional counseling.
Within a one week of starting treatment, my headaches drastically began to improve. I am now able to sleep through the night, concentrate at work, and enjoy my life. I am so grateful for the help that I have received from Wellness First.
Sandy T., Plainfield
"I have had headaches my whole life. I have been to the emergency room many times over the years. I have been on every medication that you can think of. Nothing worked. After two weeks of treatment with Dr. Chris my migraines are gone. You're the best."
Matt. K., Naperville
"For about ten years I have been having head pain and eye ball pain and pressure. I have seen doctors all over and they could never give me anything for my problem. But all this was ended when I made my first visit to Wellness First.
I now feel 80% better and I’m working toward 100% with only a few more visits. What can I say?
These guys are great."
Valerie Q., Aurora
"Dr. Chris has done wonders for my physical state. I used to have headaches two or three times a month, I was always tired and had horibble digestion with stomach problems. Dr. Chris has gotten to the root of my physical problems. With much care and effort he has helped me to be rid of them. I seldom get headaches and rarely have stomach problems. Thank you, Doctor. I owe you and your staff."
Sam C., Naperville

Dr. Christian Oberheide "Dr Chris" is a Board Certified Chiropractic Physician and Certified Acupuncturist committed to helping families in the community experience the same improved health and vitality that he has received through holistic care. He speaks regularly to local schools, businesses and organizations on health, wellness, and safety topics. He enjoys educating others on how to manage stress better, how to prevent injury in the workplace and at home, and how to maintain peak performance in all facets of life. His mission is to empower as many people as possible to experience their optimal health potential through genuine care and education.

28377 Davis Pkwy, Ste 605
Warrenville, IL 60555
Ready To Start Feeling Better?
Call 6309229811 or Book Online Today